The Titan network

Posted by Roy | 2:06 PM | 0 comments »

The Titan network is a series of PTC sites, and recently another site or two that i havent been caught up with. The PTC sites are:


I have referrals at Advercash and TitanClicks. I bought these early in my PTC career and kind of regret it, but i was new and anxious to make some money. All three sites have the majority of their ads worth less then a cent, alot worth as little as a tenth of a cent. Up until recently i classified Advercash and TitanClicks as two of my non-active sites, meaning i never clicked. However this changed for a couple reasons. Im now less then $2.50 away from making the payout at TitanClicks. However with like 1 active referral and low priced ads this could still take awhile to reach. The second is that all of the Titan Network except for Advercash is for sale, and i think possibly already sold. And i dont know if the new owners will be as respectable (The Titan Network has a pretty good reputation for being legit). So i want to get to the ay out and get my $12.50. I know its like nothing, but if will buy so referrals at some other site.

Now for Advercash. The one site that isnt being sold, however the emphasis of it is moving away from ads and towards paid offers (paid to sign up, paid to fill out ect). These are great some are worth more then a dollar. However i havent been able to find ANY that are available to Canadians! So now i have just short of $10 in my Avercash account, maybe 1 or 2 active referrals and a grand total of like 2 cents worth of ads a day. It will take me at least 100 days to reach the $15 payout. But they have a new feature coming out soon, adverbusinesses. The details of it are still fuzy but basically you get a 'business' with up to 5 employess and you try to increase your net worth (i assume through offers mostly?) And you can attack other businesses to reduce their net worth.

You need 10 adverbucks to get a adverbusiness. You can get adverbucks but completing offers or trading $1 for 1 adverbuck. So soon ill have enough for my own adverbusiness. I have no idea how profitable these things will be, but at this point in time i think i have no other choice if i ever hope to see any money from this site.
Anyone have any thoughts on the Titan Network or my situation with it?